Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Fall Transition Favorites

I'm ALIVE!!!!! It's been well over a month since I posted last. My physical health has taken a bit of a turn down the side of a mountain in an inflatable ball and it's been so much fun finding out that there is something wrong. But of course, I still have to wait for the specialist to find out what that is so that's been super fun. Since I’ve been away for some time does NOT mean I haven’t noticed that the season’s have changed. It’s gotten slightly cooler here and the air has changed. Basically, I know that my face is supposed to be oilier than it is normally. Makeup has to change. Skin care routine needs to be adjusted. Scarves are going to be rotated. I don’t have many sweaters so meh. But the boots are on standby.


I have actually not been wearing a lot of foundation because even though more countries have joined the negotiations to the oil on my face, I have been finding my blemishes to be dry and flaky. On top of everything that's been going on, my skin feels like I'm going through puberty. And with that, it’s easy to spot where my foundation tends to slide and gather. But in general, the warmer tones are turning more into cool tones, as they should but on particular sunny days like we tend to have, I don’t mind throwing on a bit of a warmer highlight. Once I find my balance again, then I'll be normal-ish. 

Lip Gook (yes, I’ve tried to call it lippie or just by product but my upbringing called it all lip gook)

As much as I hate to admit, for this transition into fall, I’ve been cheating on my Lancome Juicy shaker.... a lot. It's surprising considering that I’ve been using it all summer. Read up on that here. But still, I’ll occasionally use it but I’ve been going to something a bit more simple. Burt’s Bees. Not as old a brand as Chapstick or Carmex, but it’s nice on the lips and the tinted ones like this one in Sweet Violet do some double duty for me for work since the dry times have already started to attack my lips too.

Skin care

I’ve also noticed that my pores are being more noticeable than needed so I’ve been toying with a few things to help that situation. I have a new moisturizer and face wash that seem to be on the right track. The moisturizer is a simpler one for day or night and made for sensitive skin. I love it because it doesn’t take forever to soak into your skin in the morning before putting on makeup, if I decide to wear it that day, and it’s not slimy like my last one was. On days that I feel like a raisin, I can especially feel the difference in my skin.  It's definitely a start. I won't lie when I say that I've usually tried to avoid brands like Olay because it seems like all they show commercials for is anti-aging made for women twice my age, which is all good, great, and fine however comma, I'm not quite there yet. Now that I'm loving this moisturizer, I'm starting to feel that there is no harm in starting early.

The face wash was purchased on a whim to be honest. When I was getting groceries, I needed some face wipes anyway and saw this. I figure that if the Olay brand has been around as long as it has then I could give it’s $7 face wash a shot. My first look was at the oil control. I always, always, look for oil free but this one also claims to be oil minimizing. I have noticed that I don't get as oily as early, so that's been very nice too. I may have had my reservations about Olay as a brand for twenty something me, but it's safe to say that I am so over it. 

Let me tell you about this charcoal sugar scrub I’ve been using. It’s fun to use and smells wonderful. Even though it’s black from the charcoal, my sensitive skin and I feel a nice exfoliation without my face being super red afterwards. Thank you drug store product and drug store price. Like seriously, it's less than $4. I especially like that it's in a tube rather than a tub. I do love the tubs for the body sugar scrubs, like here, but for just the face, it's less wasted in a tube. 

What changes have you made for the Fall?? Let me know, I know I need all the help I can get.

There's still a lot to be said and done about changing just about everything for the new season all while knowing that you're sick but not having a diagnosis is so much worse. It's been affecting my skin, my hair, etc. But like anyone struggling for control in an uncontrollable situation, I do what I can, where I can and sadly that meant leaving the routine I was working so hard to put in, blogwise. On this last note, if you've been reading my posts, I want to thank you for it. I know it's been a while so I also thank you for the patience. I'm planning on getting back into a groove, it's just been a bit slower than I like. But keep hanging with me and we'll get moving.

In the mean time, catch up on some of my other posts...

The Full Figure Picture - http://bit.ly/HomecomingHelp

How Much is My Face Worth? (tag) - http://bit.ly/MyFaceis

Operation Ducks In A Row - Relationships and Life - http://bit.ly/10GTWODIAR

Follow me on Bloglovin - http://bit.ly/MyBloglovinPg

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